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GIF Nike 105 år
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Omar Watt efter säsongens första vinst
2024-04-15 14:14

GIF Nike vann mot Höganäs i helgen med 4–1 och tog säsongens första trepoängare. En av matchens stora hjältar blev anfallaren Omar Watt med sina två mål. Vi tog en pratstund med Omar om matchen, hans egna prestation och stora framtidsdrömmar.


First three points of the season! How was the game and winning feeling?

– It felt really good to win this away game it really did. The team will feel confident for our next game and everyone will play better im sure about it. Last game we drew 3-3 but it felt like a loss, so winning this game was really important for us and Im glad it worked out well.

You scored two goals. How did that feel?

– Im happy about scoring two goals but not totally happy as I know I shouldve scored at least 4 goals that game. I finished the hard chances and missed the easy ones, so Im planning on scoring every chance I get and Im confident about myself.

You are one of a many new players at Nike. What brought you here and can you tell us a bit about your footballing background?

– I came here thanks to one of my friends that spoke to our formal team manager Nehar, and Nehar convinced me to come here. Its not my first time here in Sweden, I was here two years ago playing in a div 2 team thats located in the north of Sweden, Ive also played in the uk(London) and Ive played in Spain when I was younger, so Ive been around couple  countries playing football.

What personal goals do you have for this season? What can we expect from you?

– I have a personal goal of making it to the Top and become a professional football player. I know its a long journey but thats where I want to reach, Im really confident about myself as I know that if I put the work in, I will make it, I have no doubts and the people that are close to me know this is aswell, with the right work, I will make it, so expect that from me because it will happen soon or later.

– I want to score a minimum of 15-20 goals this season, and I also plan on winning every game that comes regardless of who we play against, I hate losing and will try do my best every game, säger Omar.


GIF Nikes nästa match spelas nu på torsdag hemma mot Borstahusens BK. Avsparkstid är klockan 19:00 på Lomma IP.

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